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来源:爱尔兰留学签证网  时间:2021-08-24  点击:

  因为语言成绩不能直升都柏林大学硕士的同学们,都柏林大学硕士预科2022年入学申请开始啦,UCD 硕士预科为您开通入读都柏林大学的通道。下面,兆龙留学-爱尔兰留学签证网小编为大家介绍一下都柏林大学哪些课程提供硕士预科,希望对同学们有所帮助。


  UCD Master's Pathways


  都柏林大学硕士预科是提供给学术条件符合硕士直入要求,但英语能力稍弱的学生。 学生将在PMP课程里强化英语能力(35 个学分),还可以在选模块中选择额外专业课进行学习可获得的 25 个学分。这些可选模块为学生提供了通过与所选硕士课程特别相关的学术模块进一步发展他们的学科知识的机会。

  开学时间:9月 、1月


  9月入学——IELTS 5.5(5.0)

  1月入学——IELTS 6.0 (5.5)

  学费:9月 €12,600

  1月 €8,400


  学院1:Agriculture, Food Science& Veterinary Medicine

  · Environmental Resource Management (MSc)

  · Horticulture (MSc)

  · Humanitarian Action (MSc)

  · Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Development(MSc)

  · Wildlife Conservation & Management (MSc)


  · Accounting & Financial Management (MSc)

  · Aviation Finance (MSc)

  · Business Analytics (MSc)

  · Digital Marketing (MSc)

  · Digital Innovation (MSc)

  · Finance (MSc)

  · Financial Data Science (MSc)

  · Food Business Strategy (MSc)

  · Human Resource Management (MSc)

  · International Business (MSc)

  · International Management/CEMS MIM (MSc)

  · Management (MSc)

  · Management Consultancy (MSc)

  · Marketing (MSc)

  · Marketing & Retail Innovation (MSc)

  · Project Management (MSc)

  · Quantitative Finance (MSc)

  · Renewable Energy and Environmental Finance (MSc)

  · Strategic Management (MSc)

  · Supply Chain Management (MSc)

UCD硕士商学院 (5).jpg

  学院3:Engineering & Architecture

  · Architecture, Urbanism and Climate Action (MSc)

  · Biomedical Engineering (ME)

  · Biosystems & Food Engineering (ME)

  · Chemical Engineering (MEngSc)

  · Civil Engineering (ME)

  · Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering (ME)

  · Electrical Power Engineering (ME)

  · Electronic & Computer Engineering (MEngSc)

  · Electronic & Computer Engineering (ME)

  · Energy Systems Engineering (ME)

  · Engineering Management (MEngSc)

  · Environmental Policy (MSc)

  · Environmental Technology (MSc)

  · Food Engineering (MEngSc)

  · Materials Science & Engineering (MEngSc)

  · Materials Science & Engineering (ME)

  · Mechanical Engineering (ME)

  · Optical Engineering (ME)

  · Regional & Urban Planning (MRUP)

  · Structural Engineering (MEngSc)

  · Sustainable Energy & Green Technologies (MSc)

  · Water Waste & Environmental Engineering (MEngSc)

  学院4:Health Sciences & Agriculture

  · Coaching Science in Sport (MSc)

  · Healthcare & Informatics (MSc)

  · Sports Management (MSc)

BSc Business 商学.webp.jpg

  学院5:Social Sciences

  · Applied Economics (MSc)

  · Development and the Global South (MSc)

  · European Politics and Policy (MA)

  · European Politics and Policy (MSc)

  · European Public Affairs & Law (MEconSc)

  · Experimental Archaeology & Material Culture (MSc)

  · Gender Studies (MA)

  · Geography (MA)

  · Geopolitics and the Global Economy (MA)

  · Human Rights (MSc)

  · International Development (MA)

  · International Development (MSc)

  · International Political Economy (MA)

  · International Political Economy (MSc)

  · International Relations (MA)

  · International Relations (MSc)

  · Middle East Politics (MA)

  · Peace and Conflict (MA)

  · Peace and Conflict (MSc)

  · Political Theory (MA)

  · Politics (MA)

  · Politics (MSc)

  · Public Policy (MPP)

  · Quantitative Economics (MSc)

  · Sociology (MSc)

  · Urban Environment (MSc)

  · World Heritage Management and Conservation (MSc)


  · Criminology & Criminal Justice (LLM)

  · Criminology & Criminal Justice (MSc)

  · European Law and Public Affairs (LLM)

  · International Human Rights (LLM)

  · International Commercial Law (LLM)

  · International Law and Business (MSc)

  · IP & IT Law (LLM)

  · Law (LLM)

  · Masters in Common Law (MCL)


  · Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics (MSc)

  · Applied Science (Environmental Science) (MSc)

  · Biological & Biomolecular (Negotiated Learning) MSc

  · Biotechnology & Business (MSc)

  · Biotechnology (MSc)

  · Biotherapeutics & Business (MSc)

  · Biotherapeutics (MSc)

  · Chemistry (Negotiated Learning) (MSc)

  · Computational Physics (MSc)

  · Mathematical Science (MSc)

  · Nanobio Science (MSc)

  · Nanotechnology (MSc)

  · Physics (Negotiated Learning) (MSc)

  · Plant Biology & Biotechnology (MSc)

  · Space Science & Technology (MSc)

  · Statistics (MA)

  · Statistics (MSc)

  学院8:Arts and Humanities

  · Archives and Records Management (MA)

  · Drama and Performance Studies (MA)

  · European History (UNICA) (MA)

  · Film Studies (MA)

  · History of Welfare & Medicine in Society (MA)

  · Irish Studies (MA)

  · Linguistics & Applied Linguistics (MA)

  · Literature and Culture (MA)

  · MA Classics (MA)

  · Medieval Studies (MA)

  · Writing for Theatre (MA)




  李老师:手机/微信 13699130996,QQ 981410371

  王老师:手机/微信 15011129896,QQ 673542634

  冯老师:手机/微信 15600068868,QQ 1047730745

  洪老师:手机/微信 13311518730,QQ 2384766980


